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    2022-06-08 14:27:40    来源:湖南专升本    点击:



      301. The writer was always looking for suitable _____ to use in his next story.

      A. contents B. articles C. notions D. ideas

      302. He gave me some very _____ advice on buying a house.

      A. precious B. worthy C. precise D. valuable

      303. You will get to the church more quickly if you take this _____ across the fields.

      A. track B. passage C. method D. journey

      304. A landing on Mars is within the _____ of current physical theory.

      A. scheme B. scope C. scrap D. scale

      305. He was _____ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

      A. scratched B. pricked C. stung D. bitten

      306. Don't go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will _____ you off your feet.

      A. flow B. cut C. press D. sweep

      307. The store had no more red shoes _____, so Mary chose brown ones instead.

      A. in demand B. in store C. in need D. in stock

      308. Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will _____ the race even if he finishes last.

      A. keep on B. keep to C. stick out D. stick to

      309. Can you _____ me _____ two hundred copies of this article by tomorrow.

      A. give .. out B. send .. in C. write .. off D. run .. off

      310. The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.

      A. climate B. weather C. state D. occasion

      311. It was with great delight that I read in your February _____ the letter to the Editor written by Prof. Johnson.

      A. issue B. printing C. magazine D. copy

      312. What I'm telling you is strictly _____. Do not let anyone know of it.

      A. secretive B. special C. individual D.confidential

      313. The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing.

      A. prescription B. procedure C. treatment D. practice

      314. Julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashions.

      A. put up with B. come up with C. get on with D. keep up with

      315. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is _____ starting in a new one.

      A. currently B. actually C. recently D. lately

      316. My house is very _____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.

      A. comfortable B. suitable C. convenient D. available

      317. When college students _____ future employment, they often think of status, income, and prestige.

      A. demand B. assume C. apply D. anticipate

      318. Alice _____ her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.

      A.convinced B.reinforced C.pledged D.required

      319. Neither of them thought highly of him and they both tried to _____ him in his work.

      A.hamper B.support C.depress D.prevent

      320. She chose cushions of a color which would _____ her carpet.

      A. equal B. agree C. help D. match

      321. We finally managed to _____ the committee's approval of our plans.

      A. secure B. arouse C. acquire D. exert

      322. I have such a bad cold that I have lost all _____ of smell.

      A. degree B. sense C. strength D. scent

      323. She is so _____ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.

      A. sensitive B. sensible C. imaginative D.impressive

      324. The lorry driver was badly _____ when his lorry crashed into a wall.

      A. damaged B. hit C. hurt D. harmed

      325. I caught a _____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.

      A. glance B. glimpse C. glare D. gleam

      326. The car salesman took the customer for a driver in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.

      A. advocate B.demonstrate C.exhibit D. reveal

      327. The rainbow _____ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.

      A. dissolved B. removed C. resigned D. disappeared

      328. All too _____ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays.

      A. often B. fast C. soon D. late

      329. Deserts, dry areas with _____ no vegetation, cover more than one-third of the Earth's land surface.

      A. surprisingly B. eventually C. permanently D. virtually

      330. After dinner the minister made a short _____ to the guests.

      A. delivery B.pronunciation C.conversation D. speech

      331. When there's doubt the examiner's decision is _____.

      A. right B. final C. definite D. fixed

      332. Busy and successful as he was, the novelist was willing to _____ any promising young man and give him all the help he could.

      A. take up B. pick up C. make up D. look up

      333. He did not find a job yet because he had no _____ to men who could help him.

      A. approach B. application C. access D. approval

      334. The old man got into the _____ of storing money under the bed.

      A. tradition B. habit C. use D. custom

      335. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. I am sure whoever sees it will _____ its charm.

      A. appeal to B. stick to C. keep to D. yield to

      336. Children are likely to get _____ if no one cares about their upbringing.

      A. out of hand B. out of order C. out of place D. out of work

      337. When the Greeks had _____ the Persians, a soldier ran from Marathon to Athens.

      A. won B. bitten C. beaten D. hit

      338. There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn't _____ falling over it in the darkness.

      A. help B. resist C. avoid D. prevent

      339.Maria is a _____ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.

      A. sensitive B. sensible C. obedient D. jealous

      340. Violent programs on television may have a bad _____ on children.

      A. affection B. pressure C. influence D. control

      341. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of _____ quality, he'd tell them so.

      A. humble B. minor C. inferior D. awkward

      342. If you put too many potatoes in that paper-bag it will _____.

      A. fail B. explode C. crack D. burst

      343. One-room schoolhouses can still be found in _____ areas where there are no other schools for many miles.

      A.disposed B. deserted C. isolated D. abandoned

      344. I'm afraid you have no _____ but to come along with us.

      A. possibility B. permission C. choice D. selection

      345. I shall never beat John at tennis; we are clearly not in the same _____.

      A. set B. band C. group D. class

      346. As soon as Charles had _____ a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away.

      A. returned B. absorbed C. dissolved D. recovered

      347. When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the language from _____.

      A. scratch B. scrap C. snatch D. scrape

      348. The thieves _____ him _____ in the park, took his wallet and escaped.

      A. held .. back B. held .. up C. held .. on D. held .. out

      349. Japan has to employ an increasing number of overseas workers because there is no easy solution to its labor _____.

      A. decline B. rarity C. vacancy D. shortage

      350. The two dogs started to fight, so we tried to _____ them.

      A. split B. separate C. tear D. divide

      351. The rapidly growing birth rate brings about a lot of environment problems, which the government is supposed to take _____.

      A. significantly B. severely C. earnestly D. seriously

      352. Carl wanted to play a joke on Bob but gave himself _____ by laughing.

      A. away B. in C. out D. up

      353. The government is _____ and will take the necessary steps to maintain security and stability.

      A. on the alert B. out of control C. on guard D. in vain

      354. Many people complain of the rapid _____ of modern life.

      A. rate B. pace C. speed D. growth

      355. She has lost her handbag with the _____ sum of $150 in it.

      A. extraordinary B. important C. considerable D. valuable

      356. Russia's withdrawal of its experts from China did not strangle (压垮) the Chinese people; _____ it stirred up their enthusiasm for greater exertions.

      A. on the other hand B. on the contrary C. to the contrary D. in consequence

      357. As he had no friends and relatives in the town, the traveler tried to find a _____ somewhere.

      A. log B. lodge C. landing D. lodging

      358. Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always _____ her place.

      A. loosing B. missing C. losing D. looking for

      359. The manager said that they had an _____ plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepted.

      A. alternate B.alternative C.absolute D. appreciable

      360. Jim isn't _____, but he did badly in the final exams last semester.

      A. gloomy B. dull C. awkward D. tedious

      361. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it _____ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.

      A. crossed B. passed C. occurred D. opened

      362. His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another _____.

      A. on the rise B. on the spot C. on the decline D. on the side

      363. The filling station _____ because there were too many others on the street.

      A. fell through B. went under C. fell out D. went through

      364. Air and the sun's rays create much distortion, and whatever tends to _____ their influence is useful to the astronomer.

      A. exclude B. eliminate C. extinguish D. impose

      365. The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible so I was _____.

      A.confused B. nervous C.shameful D.embarrassed

      366. Animals should not be locked in cages; they should be in their normal _____.

      A. environment B.position C.residence D. dwelling

      367. I'm sorry but what he thinks is not of the _____ importance to me.

      A. merest B. lowest C. last D. least

      368. He offered to _____ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.

      A. lend B. help C. show D. loan

      369. I have been looking for this book for months, and _____ I have found it.

      A.at least B. in no time C.at last D.at present

      370. It was the largest experiment we had ever had; it _____ six hours.

      A. ended B. finished C. prolonged D. lasted

      371. The _____ stuck on the outside of the envelope said "By Air".

      A. label B. ticket C. signal D. sign

      372. Psychological studies show that some people are quick-tempered _____.

      A. at heart B. on purpose C. in person D. by nature

      373. She was putting on her watch when the _____ broke and it fell to the ground.

      A. belt B. strap C. tie D. string

      374. Feudal landlords, and imperialists are in no way more _____ than wolves.

      A. reasonable B. regardless C. ridiculous D. rational

      375. His name was on the _____ of my tongue, but I just couldn't recall it.

      A. end B. point C. edge D. tip

      376. The authorities declared that because of the war petrol was _____ and had to be rationed (定量供应).

      A. inadequate B. rare C. lacked D. scarce

      377. How did it _____ that the two men arrived to address the same meeting at the same time.

      A. fall out B. take place C. get around D. come through

      378. He looked incredulous(不轻信的) on hearing the news. He seemed to think it _____.

      A. incompatible B.incredible C.inclusive D indifferent

      379. In my opinion, your work does not _____ what I expected of you.

      A. catch up with B. add up to C. come up to D. go in for

      380. I broke my relationship with John because he always found _____ with me.

      A. error B. mistake C. fault D. failure

      381. Though he did not say so directly, the inspector _____ the man was guilty.

      A. declared B. implied C. disclosed D. said

      382. At first it seemed that the building would be all right but later it was found to need _____.

      A. installations B. modifications C. innovations D. illustrations

      383. We can only give you the _____ number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.

      A. obscure B. approximate C. impartial D. imaginary

      384. Magnificent views over the countryside have often _____ people to write poems.

      A. convinced B. inspired C. induced D. attracted

      385. There are several landladies approved by the universities who take in_____.

      A. lodgers B. residents C. inhabitants D. settlers

      386. He is the rudest man I have ever met. Jane, his present secretary, is the only person who can _____ him.

      A. respect B. stand C. support D. dislike

      387. The main road through Littlebury was blocked for three hours today after an accident _____ two lorries.

      A. containing B. connecting C. involving D. including

      388. Jane read the article over ten minutes but continued to feel the event related were _____.

      A. inheritable B.incredible C.infeasible D. inaccessible

      389. In some cities it is very difficult to have a telephone _____ , and people have to wait a long time before they can get a phone.

      A. assembled B.installed C. equipped D. repaired

      390. _____ up children properly is mainly their parents' duty.

      A. Growing B. Rearing C. Bringing D. Raising

      391. When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he _____ to her and said she

      couldn't make him.

      A. gave way B. talked back C. looked up D. got down

      392. People _____ with anyone who is always talking about how wonderful he is.

      A. fall in B. get fed up C. keep company D. catch up

      393. Margaret liked all her classes, but she liked sewing class _____.

      A. above all B. in general C. after all D. in particular

      394. Walking down the street, she noticed a long _____ of houses, all exactly alike.

      A. queue B. rank C. train D. row

      395. The president has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it _____.

      A. in private B. in secret C. in public D. in detail

      396. The sailor _____ time to visit his family before the ship went to sea.

      A. put in for B. got round to C. ask after D. hold on to

      397. Throughout most of their lives, humans _____ learn and increase their mental capacity.

      A. actually B. readily C. fairly D. primarily

      398. Through exposure to air, water, and organic matter, rocks _____ changes known as weathering.

      A. undergo B. transform C. undertake D. suspend

      399. She tried to _____ out of the window to see the procession more clearly.

      A. bend B. lean C. bow D. slope

      400. The problem had become _____ in his mind, and he could not decide what to do about it.

      A. simplified B. exaggerated C. matured D. isolated








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